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Monday, August 17, 2009

gma.. all in!

Got this from a friends Facebook account. Whoever took this picture is freaking sick!!! Not that it's bad hehehe... 'cause upon close examination... it's got good depth of field!!! I just wonder whether the one who took the picture made use of a zoom lens?!?

I guess this is how she handles things; shady dealings with people in amassing an alleged unexplained wealth...

open wide, tongue out.... ALL IN!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

mbps? you must be kidding me!?!

After seeing the latest advertisements of Sky Broadband, theoretically the fastest Internet connection for home use as I haven't tested it, I cringed on my seat after seeing the last part. I tried to check on whether somebody already uploaded the ads. Unluckily there were none. Instead, I was able to find the old ones and to my surprise, with the same issue!

Below are the old advertisements.

Just in case you missed it... due to quick pacing of the video... here is what I was talking about in the first place.

Who would want an Internet connection already advertised at 12 mbps? They might have mistaken "m" for "M!" As "m" is for milli (x10 raised to the -3) and "M" is for Mega (x10 to the 6)!!!